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2 Translation results for prying in Spanish

adjective | verb

prying adjective

unfavorite favorite
entrometido, fisgón

Example sentences of
prying adjective

  • She tried to escape the prying eyes of her neighbors.
  • as we moved into our new home, we could sense that there were prying eyes watching us

Synonyms of
prying adjective

Detailed synonyms for prying adjective

See: Curious

pry verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
pried, has pried, is prying, pries
curiosear, huronear

Example sentences of
pry verb

  • They were trying to pry into my past.
  • They pried open the door with a crowbar.
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Reverse translation for prying

entrometido  - meddling, interfering, prying, meddlesome, (informal) nosy 
curiosear  - to snoop, to pry, to look over, to check, to browse 
huronear  - to pry, to snoop